07 October 2009

IF: Germs

Word for the week on Illustration Friday was 'Germs'. An exciting word. So to finish the day I thought I'd do a quick colour sketch of some germs. I'd love to have more time to spend on this and keep going with the germ chain. But it'll have to wait for another day.

Have fun!


Gai said...

of course as you know I just love your style. I also just love your brain. What a clever funny and very unique idea. just brilliant

Art Fan Ako said...

Awesome! Hope they select your entry!

LittleMissMachete said...

disgustingly brilliant! Nice one.

Brine Blank said...

nice concept...would be great to see it keep going...

Brandon Starr said...

Cute! Wish I could find the time to actually finnish my illos the way you do. Cheers!